Friday, April 18, 2014

Elk Creek Trout & Steelhead Fishing Report–4/17/2014


Since the beginning of trout season I had not ventured out to check out those streams in my backyard. So on this day I went and checked out how Elk Creek was flowing and to try my hand at a few Brown trout after the in season stocking. The pictures below are all from around the Legion hole and under Route 20. The stream was moving fairly fast and it was still quite off colored. A number of anglers were fishing right off the Legion Park with limited success. I only saw one individual catch 2 steelhead and I had no luck at all even with my walking and trial of various lures and bait.

I was all packed up and had decided to head back home and do some work when I took a trip up Manchester Road to the Rick Road access area in McKean. When I arrived the stream was full of fishermen all around the large hole directly at the bridge; however they seem to be catching quite a few so I tried my luck for an hour.

After several misses on live bait I gave a brown and gold spinner a try and ended up hooking into the fish pictured below – a 17.5” Brown trout! With the fishing pressure and limited timeframe to catch these guys this one is definitely a trophy for this area and will be a nice addition to my home decor!

The fishing should get better over the holiday weekend with the decrease in water levels and clarity.

Remember to always respect landowner property and access areas and always take your trash with you!

Tight lines and I will see you on the streams



